books by publisher
Belair Publications Ltd

Phonic Spelling, 1 (Sounds OK!: phonics)

Key Stage 1 (Information Technology)

Geography (Teacher's handbook series)

ICT (Belair - Early Years)

Enterprising Ideas (Belair a World of Display PSHCE)

Creative History (Belair - A World of Display)

Science: Bk. 1 (Brain Waves S.)

Science (On-line series)

Junior (Brain Waves S.)

Key Stage 2 (Ideas Bank S.)

Reading and Writing Bk.1 (Folens Homework S.)

Hats in a Hurry

An Eye for Display (Belair - A World of Display)

The Anglo-Saxons (Ideas Bank S.)

Paper Capers

Birds of Prey (Finding Out About S.)

Collections (A World of Display Series): Using Collections of Everyday Objects With Children from Five to Nine Years (Belair Series)

With Best Wishes (Little Bell Books S.)

In the Treetops (Finding Out About S.)

Victorian Britain (Brain Waves S.)

Time for Reflection (Belair Series)

Science (Learning Through Story S.)

Tudor Times (Brain Waves S.)

Of Frogs and Snails

Towards Technology (Brain Waves S.)

The Spice of Life: Cross-curricular Approach to Food and Cookery for Children from Five to Eleven (Creative Teaching S.)

Phonic Spelling, 3 (Sounds OK!: phonics)

Phonic Spelling, 2 (Sounds OK!: phonics)

Investigating Physical Processes (Ideas Bank: Science)