books by publisher
Bible Reading

Lent for Busy People

Springs of Good and Evil: Biblical Themes in Literature

Reading Mark in Groups

Thank God for That: Practical Steps to Christian Faith

Tell Us the Story: Using the Old Testament Today

Healing Experiences: A Devotional and Study Guide

Stepping Stones to Christian Maturity

Using the Bible in Prayer

Lower Than the Angels: Questions Raised by Genesis I to II

Something Overheard: Introduction to the New Testament

Meet St. Paul

Meditating on the Word
A Study in St. John's Gospel

Everything in Christ

Everything in Christ

Paul and Peter: Meeting in Jerusalem

Praying with the Bible

Seeing the Whole Bible: Daily Bible Readings and Notes

Christ Died at Notting Hill: The Way of the Cross Today

Our World, God's World: Reflections for Advent and the Christmas Season on the Environment

With Christ in the Wilderness: Following Lent Together

Through Lent with Luke: Daily Reflections on the Transfiguration and Passion