books by publisher

America and the Imperialism of Ignorance: US foreign policy since 1945

Running Out Of Tears: The Moving Personal Stories of ChildLine's Children Over 25 Years: Twenty Five Years of ChildLine

Snow: The Double Life of a World War II Spy

Progressive Capitalism: How To Achieve Economic Growth, Liberty and Social Justice

The Yes Minister Miscellany

Kensington Palace: An Intimate Memoir from Queen Mary to Meghan Markle (Biteback Publishing)

The Secret Life of Special Advisers

Inside the Danger Zones: Travels to Arresting Places

How To Be An MP

Death Of A Soldier: A Mother's Story

Distilling the Frenzy: Writing the history of one's own times

Trust: How We Lost it and How to Get it Back

From Thatcher to Cameron: The Journey to Compassionate Conservatism

22 Days in May: The Birth of the Lib Dem-Conservative Coalition

Watermelons: How Environmentalists are Killing the Planet, Destroying the Economy and Stealing Your Children's Future

An Unexpected MP: Confessions of a Political Gossip

What did the baby boomers ever do for us?: Why the Children of the Sixites Lived the Dream and Failed the Future

Sex, Lies and the Ballot Box: 50 things you need to know about British elections

It's the Economy, Stupid: Economics for Voters

Europe: In or Out?: Everything You Need to Know

Clement Attlee: The Inevitable Prime Minister

Smile for the Camera: The Double Life of Cyril Smith

Prisonomics: Behind bars in Britain's failing prisons

Hard Times

TheMeat Fix How a Lifetime of Healthy Eating Nearly Killed Me by Nicholson, John ( Author ) ON Jan-19-2012, Paperback

Outside In

Minority Verdict: The Conservative Party, the voters and the 2010 election

Margaret Thatcher In Her Own Words