books by publisher
Biteback Publishing

Flying Free

Ernest Bevin: Labour's Churchill

Stumbling Over Truth

Klop: Britain's most ingenious spy

MI5 in the Great War

Bloody Southerners: Clough and Taylor at Brighton

This is Not America

Labour Takes Power: The Denis MacShane Diaries 1997-2001

The Winding Stair

How To Be A Police Officer

Confessions of a Maverick MP

Call Me Dave: The Unauthorised Biography of David Cameron

When One Door Closes

The Noble Liar: How and why the BBC distorts the news to promote a liberal agenda

When Footballers Were Skint: A Journey in Search of the Soul of Football

A British Subject: How to Make It as an Immigrant in the Best Country in the World

The King of Nazi Paris: Henri Lafont and the Gangsters of the French Gestapo

Islands: Searching for truth on the shoreline

The Good, the Bad and the Greedy: Why We’ve Lost Faith in Capitalism

Game of Thorns: The Inside Story of Hillary Clinton's Failed Campaign and Donald Trump's Winning Strategy

101 Ways to Win an Election

Against the Grain

What a Bloody Awful Country: Northern Ireland’s century of division

Everyday Hate: How antisemitism is built into our world – and how you can change it

Emily Wilding Davison

Jacob's Ladder: The Unauthorised Biography of Jacob Rees-Mogg

The Real Iron Lady: Working with Margaret Thatcher: Working with Mrs T.

They Fought Alone: The Story of British Agents in France

The Ex Men: How Our Former Presidents and Prime Ministers Are Still Changing the World: How Our Former Presidents and Prime Ministers Are Still Running the World (Biteback Publishing)