books by publisher
Blackwell Publishers

Becoming a Mother After Thirty

Public Sector Economics 3 Ed

States in History

Freedom and Labour: Mobilization and Political Control on the Zambian Copper Belt

The Birth of Europe

Zande Themes: Essays Presented to Sir Edward Evans-Pritchard

Shi'ite Islam: Polity, Ideology and Creed

Making of Modern South Africa: Conquest, Segregation and Apartheid


Sociology of Contemporary Cultural Change

Voluntary Social Services

Class, Structure and Knowledge: Problems in the Sociology of Knowledge

Global Issues: An Introduction

The European Union: The Annual Review 1999 / 2000

Understanding Social Policy

Everything That Linguists Have Always Wanted to Know About Logic But Were Ashamed to Ask

The European Community: The Contradictions of Integration

Sex: Facts, Frauds and Follies
Travel in the Bible

Autosegmental and Metrical Phonology

The Handbook of Phonological Theory

Jamaican Pronunciation in London

Governing Japan: Divided Politics in a Major Economy

The Abuse of Power: Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom

Limits to Capital

War and Democracy

A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology

End of Law?

Effecting Organizational Change