books by publisher
Blackwell Publishing

Plant Solute Transport
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: Various Volumes
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: Various Volumes
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research: Various Volumes
European journal of soil science
European Journal of Soil Science (various authors)

Personality and Individual Differences (Textbooks in Psychology) (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)

Understanding Social Policy

The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Authority and Deviance in Western Europe 950-1250
Sociology of health illness

Introduction to Social Psychology: A European Perspective (BPS Textbooks in Psychology)
Health and social care
Ponds and Streams

Lung Cancer
Medicine at a Glance
Journal of Ecology; Volume 94 Number 3 May 2006
Journal of Applied Ecology: Volume 44, Number 2, April 2007
Journal of Applied Ecology: Volume 44 Number 1 February 2007
Journal of Applied Ecology: Volume 40 Number 6 December 2003
Journal of Ecology: Volume 91 Number 6 December 2003
Journal of Ecology: Volume 90 Number 6 December 2002
Economic Affairs: The State of Our Cities

Leg Ulcer Management (Essential Clinical Skills for Nurses)

The Globalization Reader, Third Edition

Introduction to Old English

Psychiatry at a Glance

Anatomy at a Glance

Rapid Medicine

Schizophrenia Part One: Descriptive Aspects