books by publisher
Bloomsbury Children's Books

Kid Normal and the Shadow Machine: Kid Normal 3

Freddie Mole, Lion Tamer

Alfie in the Bath

My Name Is Victoria

Thieves Like Us: Rejacketed

The Weight of Water

The Silk Roads: The Extraordinary History that created your World – Illustrated Edition: 1

The Unicorn Quest

The Wombles

Fetlocks Hall 4: The Enchanted Pony

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists: Film tie-in

Bad Mermaids: On the Rocks

Wanda Wallaby Finds Her Bounce

RSPB Wild Facts About Nature

Dragon Spear

Dragonskin Slippers

Bringing the Summer

Monster Odyssey: The Wrath of the Lizard Lord

The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain

Run, Zan, Run: Newly Rejacketed

Skysteppers: World Book Day 2021

Anthem for Jackson Dawes

The Resistance

I Love You Night and Day

The Bear in the Cave

Gorilla (Animals on the Edge)

Fizzlebert Stump and the Bearded Boy

The Great Ice-Cream Heist

The Great Big Big George Book of Stories