books by publisher
Bodleian Library

How to Be a Good Parent

Heath Robinson: How to Make a Garden Grow

Evelyn Waugh's Oxford

Wilfred Owen: An Illustrated Life

It's All Greek: Borrowed Words and their Histories

Lost Maps of the Caliphs

The Slave Trade Debate: Contemporary Writings For and Against

The Curious World of Dickens

The Hours of Marie de' Medici: A Facsimile

John Ryder, Designer and Art Director for the Bodley Head: An Exhibition at the Bodleian Library, 1974-75

Garden, the Ark, the Tower, the Temple: Biblical Metaphors of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe

Are You Really a Genius?: Timeless Tests for the Irritatingly Intelligent

Postcards of Political Icons: Leaders of the Twentieth Century

The Book Lovers' Miscellany

Postcards of Lost Royals

Dr Radcliffe's Library: The Story of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford
Bodleian Colouring Books: Elephants

The First English Dictionary 1604: Robert Cawdrey's 'A Table Alphabeticall'