books by publisher
Book House

Tell Me How Fast it Goes (Whiz Kids) (Whiz Kids S.)

Spiders and Minibeasts (Scary Creatures) (Scary Creatures S.)

A 19th Century Railway Station (Spectacular Visual Guides)

Warfare in the Middle Ages (Battle Zones) (Battle Zones S.)

You Wouldn't Want To Live Without Coding!

Scary Creatures of the Arctic (Scary Creatures)

The Story of Explorers and Exploration (Adventures in the Real World)

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Trees!

Avoid Entering the Greek Olympics (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

Extreme Comparisons

A Viking Town (Spectacular Visual Guides)

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Fire!

An Ancient Greek Temple (Spectacular Visual Guides)

Scary Creatures: Of the Soil (Scary Creatures S.)

Prehistoric Scary Creatures (Scary Creatures)

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Antibiotics!

Volcanoes (What on Earth) (What on Earth S.)

Avoid Working on the Great Wall of China

Avoid Becoming a Pirates' Prisoner! (Danger Zone)

Julius Caesar: The Life of a Roman General (Graphic Non-fiction) (Graphic Non-fiction S.)

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Clean Water!

Great Britons, A Very Peculiar History (Cherished Library)

An Ancient Egyptian Princess (How to be)

How to Be a Mermaid in a Day

You Wouldn't Want to Live Without Dentists!

Ocean Life (World of Wonder)

How to Draw People

Avoid being a Secret Agent in the Second World War! (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

A Samurai Castle (Spectacular Visual Guides)