books by publisher

Will the Revolution be Televised? : A Marxist Analysis of the Media
Sexual Relations and Class Struggle

1649: Crisis of the English Revolution

Imperialism (Globalisation, the State and War)

Experience of Defeat: Milton and Some Contemporaries

The Lost Revolution: Germany 1918 to 1923

Solidarnosc: The Missing Link? - The Classic Open Letter to the Party

Neither Washington Nor Moscow: Essays on Revolutionary Socialism

England's Turning Point: Essays on 17th Century English History

Land and Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History

Marxism and the New Imperialism

The Quiet Revolutionary

Anti-imperialism: A Guide to the Movement

Defending Multiculturalism

June '36: Class Struggle and the Popular Front in France


Unravelling Capitalism: A Guide to Marxist Political Economy

Stop Global Warming, Change the World

Alienation: An Introduction to Marx's Theory

Sexism and the System: A Rebel's Guide to Women's Liberation


Festival of the Oppressed: Solidarity, Reform and Revolution in Poland, 1980-81


The Communist Manifesto

International Socialism

ABC of Socialism

Race And Class (bookmarks)

South Africa - Between Apartheid And Capitalism: Conversations with South African Socialists

The English People and the English Revolution