books by publisher

Restoring the Woven Cord
Daylight May-August 1994
Guidelines May-August 2002
Daylight May-August 1994
Guidelines May-Augusts 2002
Daylight September-December 1994
Daylight January-April 1995
Guidelines January-April 2001
Guidelines January-April 2006
Guidelines September-December 2002
Guidelines January-April 2003

A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15 (Bible Readings for Special Times S)

Praying the Bible with Luther: A simple approach to everyday prayer

Barefoot in the Kitchen: Bible Readings and Reflections for Mothers
Praying with the Bible

Incredible Journey, The: Christmas from Genesis to Jesus

The Way of the Desert: Daily Bible readings through Lent to Easter

Giving it Up: Daily Bible Readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day

Beginnings and Endings (and What Happens in Between): Daily Bible Readings from Advent to Epiphany

Working from a Place of Rest: Jesus and the Key to Sustaining Ministry

The Bible in Cockney: Well bits of it anyway

Christmas through the Keyhole: Luke's glimpses of Advent

The Living Cross: Exploring God's gift of forgiveness and new life

Comings and Goings: Retracing the Christmas story through place and time

Real God in the Real World: Advent and Christmas readings on the coming of Christ

Welcoming the Way of the Cross: A journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day

When You Pray: Daily Bible reflections for Lent and Easter on the Lord's Prayer

Whole Life, Whole Bible: Journey through scripture in 50 readings