books by publisher
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship)
Seeking God's Face: Learning to Walk with God in Prayer
Embracing a Concrete Desert: A Spiritual Journey Towards Wholeness
Mentoring Conversations: 30 key topics to explore together
Resilience in Life and Faith: Finding your strength in God
Spirit Borne
New Daylight: Bible Readings for Your Walk with God: May-August 2011
Dust and Glory: Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day
Ill Health
Augustine's Life of Prayer, Learning and Love
Mary: A gospel witness to transfiguration and liberation
A Franciscan Way of Life: Brother Ramon's quest for holiness
Heaven's Morning: Rethinking the destination
The Act of Prayer: Praying through the Lectionary
Ezekiel: A Bible Commentary for Every Day
Visions of Glory: An Anthology of Reflections
The Visual Christmas Story
Growing Leaders: Reflections on leadership, life and Jesus
New Daylight Deluxe edition September-December 2019: Sustaining your daily journey with the Bible
New Daylight Deluxe edition September-December 2019: Sustaining your daily journey with the Bible
The Church and Boys: Making the connection
New Daylight Deluxe edition September-December 2021: Sustaining your daily journey with the Bible
Day by Day with God: Bible Readings for Women: January to April 2000