books by publisher
Bridge-Logos Publishing

Real Faith for Healing: Dr Price's Answer to the Question So Often Asked! Why are So Many Not Healed When They are Prayed For?

Hear My Confession,

Miraculous Messages: From Noah's Flood to the End Times

Divine Healing: A Series of Addresses and a Personal Testimony

Roadmap to Success

Integrity in the Workplace: Blueprint for Today's Business Success

Faces of Faith

Daughter of Destiny: Commemorative Edition

Discovering Your Destiny: Find Out What You Were Born to be

The Practice of the Presence of God

Sealed Orders: Agnes Sanford, Her Autobiography

God Doesn't Believe in Atheists

God the Creator, God the Redeemer: Institutes of the Christian Religion

Fresh Anointing: The Boston Revival is Spreading

Pagan Christian Connection Exposed, The

Attitude of a Servant

Beyond Ground Zero

Never Too Late