books by publisher
Bridge Publishing Inc.,U.S.

After This Manner Pray: Understanding the Power of the Lord's Prayer

Manners and Customs of the Bible

Breaking the Power

Fasting: A Biblical Historical Study

A Man Called Mr Pentecost

Run Baby Run

Azusa Street and Beyond

The Satan Seller

Suffering, Why ME?

Aglow with the Spirit

Life in the Millennium: God's New World Order

Risky Living: Key to Inner Healing

Daughter of Destiny: Kathryn Kuhlman - Her Story

Supernatural Superpowers

Producing the Promise: You've Shattered and Broken Your Strongholds, Now It's Time to Begin (Keys of the Kingdom Trilogy Ser)

Shattering Your Strongholds

The Fourth Dimension: v. 2 (Fourth Dimension)

Profiles of a Leader

Coping with Criticism

The Fourth Dimension: v. 1 (Fourth Dimension)