books by publisher
Brilliant Publications

Un bonbon rouge (A red sweet): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 1, Unit 7)

How to Sparkle at Christmas Time

Maths Problem Solving - Year 5

Improving Numeracy through Spreadsheets

100+ Fun Ideas for Practising Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary Classroom: Activities for Developing Oracy and Literacy Skills

Transition Time. Let's Do Something Different!

Brilliant Activities for Reading Comprehension, Year 3 (2nd edition): Engaging Stories and Activities to Develop Comprehension Skills

Science (Keys to Success S.)

Teaching Healthy Cooking and Nutrition in Primary Schools, Book 1: Fruit Salad, Rainbow Sticks, Bread Pizza and Other Recipes (Healthy Cooking (Primary))
Football Crazy

Fun with Plays: 10 New Plays for 7-11 Year Olds

How to Dazzle at Grammar

Fun with Action Rhymes and Poems: A Collection of Original Action Rhymes and Poems for 3-6 Year Olds

How to be Brilliant at Writing Poetry (How to be brilliant at...)

How to be Brilliant at Reading (How to be brilliant at...)

How to Be Brilliant at Numbers

J'aime Chanter!: 20 French Songs for Young Children

Christmas Activities for Language and Literacy KS2

Dans la salle de classe (In the classroom): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 12)

J'ai mal! (I'm hurt!): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 1, Unit 13): Luc et Sophie Fernch Storybook (Part 1, Unit 13)

J'ai un frère (I have a brother): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 1, Unit 5)

Joyeux Noël! (Happy Christmas!) Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 5)

Beaucoup de bonbons (Lots of sweets): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 1, Unit 6)

Quel temps fait-il? (What's the weather like?): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 6): Luc et Sophie Fernch Storybook (Part 2, Unit 6)

J'ai trente-deux paquets (I've got 32 packets): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 8)

Luc et Sophie Font les Devoirs (Luc and Sophie do their homework): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 9)

Une lettre au Père Noël (A letter for Father Christmas): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 4)

Je vais aller en vacances ! (I'm going on holiday!): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 2, Unit 11)

Où est ma trousse? (Where's my pencil case?): Luc et Sophie French Storybook (Part 1, Unit 14)