books by publisher
Bristol Classical Press

Normandy (French Regional Studies)

Euripides and the Sophists

Fall of Athens: Selections from "Hellenika", I and II

Hellenistic Philosophy

Socrates and Athens

Menander: Dyskolos, Samia and Other Plays - Companion

Aristophanes: "Clouds", "Acharnians", "Lysistrata" - A Companion to the Penguin Translation of A.H.Sommerstein

Terence: "The Eunuch", "Phormio", "The Brothers" - A Companion to the Penguin Translation

The Trojan War in Ancient Art

Sallust: Bellum Catilinae

Catullus: The Poems

Latin Sexual Vocabulary

The Satires of Horace

Tacitus: Annals I: Bk. 1 (BCP Latin Texts)

Latin Course for Schools Part 2


Avebury (Duckworth Archaeological Histories)

Advanced Level Chinese: A Complete Tutorial

Five Speeches: 1, 12, 19, 22, 30 (BCP Greek Texts)

Livy, Book XXI: Bk.21

Homer's "Odyssey": A Companion to the English Translation of Richmond Lattimore (Classics companions)

Visual Culture and Archaeology: Art and Social Life in Prehistoric South-East Italy

Writing Ancient History

Greek Tragedy (Classical World Series)

Rome and the Literature of Gardens (Classical Inter/Faces)

Virgil: Aeneid VI (Latin Texts)

Understanding Religion (Study in Theology)

Livy: Hannibal, Scourge of Rome: Hannibal, Scourge of Rome: Selections from Book XXI (BCP Latin Texts)

The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World: From the Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests