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Medical Contact Lens Practice

By Mackie MB ChB DO FRCS FCOphth, Ian A.

Trusts and Trustees: Cases and Materials

By Maudsley, R.H., Burn, E.H.

Updated ENT

By Browning, G.G.

Introduction to English Law

By Philip S James, G.N. Glover

Dilemmas in General Practice: Hot Topices for the MRCGP and Beyond: Hot Topics for the MRCGP and Beyond

By Warren MBChB MRCGP DRCOG, Edward

Integrated Care Pathways: A Practical Approach to Implementation

By Middleton BA(Hons) DPSN PGCE RGN, Sue, Roberts BA(Hons) PgDINF, Adrian

Early British Computers: The Story of Vintage Computers and the People Who Built Them

By Lavington, Simon Hugh

Tutorials for the General Practice Registrar

By Warren MBChB MRCGP DRCOG, Edward

Contact Lens Practice, 2e

By Efron BScOptom PhD (Melbourne) DSc (Manchester) FAAO (Dip CCLRT) FIACLE FCCLSA FBCLA FACO, Nathan

Nutrition and the Eye: A Practical Approach

By Eperjesi BSc(Hons) PhD MCOptom Dip Orth FAAO MHEA PGCertHE, Frank, Beatty MB(Hons) MMSc EBOD FRCOphth MD, Stephen

Clinical Ophthalmic Pathology

By Harry BSc MBBCh FRCPath FRCOphth, John, Misson BSc MBBS DO FRCS FRCOphth, Gary P.

The Contact Lens Manual: A Practical Fitting Guide with CD-ROM (The Manual Series)

By Gasson FCOptom DCLP FAAO, Andrew, Morris MSc FCOptom FAAO FIACLE, Judith A.

Outline of Oral Surgery: Pt. 1 (Dental Practical Handbooks)

By Killey, H.C., etc.

Accounts and Audits of Pension Schemes

By Mascarenhas, Amyas, Sienkiewicz, Teresa

Foundry Technology

By BEELEY, Peter

The New Marketing

By McDonald, Malcolm

Market Segmentation: How to do it, how to Profit from it

By McDonald, Malcolm

Chiropractic Peripheral Joint Technique (Bitterworth-Heinemann professional complementary medicine)

By Broome DC FCC, Raymond T.

Introduction to the Principles of Drug Design

By Smith, H. J., Williams, Hywel

Cancer Pain Management: Principles and Practice

By Parris MD FACPM, Winston C. V.

Food Legislation of the UK: A Concise Guide

By Jukes, D. J.

Work Analysis

By Johnson, Stanley, Ogilvie, Grant

Environmental Policy in an International Context: Perspectives: Volume 1

By Glasbergen, Pieter

Environmental Policy in an International Context: Prospects for Environmental Change: Volume 3

By Blowers, Andrew

Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management

By Groher PhD, Michael E

MCQ Self-Test Companion to Synopsis of Anaesthesia

By Rushman MB BS FRCA, G. B., Davies MA DM MRCP FRCA, Nicholas J. H.

Discrete Mathematics (Modular Mathematics Series)

By Chetwynd, Amanda

Developing an Effective Safety Culture: A Leadership Approach

By Roughton Certified Safety Professional (CSP); Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP); Certified Hazardous Materials Manager (CHMM); MS in Safety Science; Past President of the Georgia Chapter of ASSE, James, Mercurio Certified Safety Profession...

Diesel Engines (Step-By-Step)

By Wharton, A. J.

Physiotherapy: Psychosocial Approach

By French MCSP DipTP BSc MSc(Psych) MSc(Soc) PhD Dr., Sally