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C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd

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Rescuing Afghanistan

By William Maley

Sierra Leone: A Political History

By David Harris

Muslim Identity and Social Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Louis Brenner

The Horn of Africa: State Formation and Decay

By Christopher Clapham

Confronting Leviathan: Mozambique Since Independence

By Tom Young, Margaret Hall

The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy's National Shame

By Ian Campbell

Slavery in the History of Muslim Black Africa: The Institution in Saharan and Sudanic Africa and the Trans-Saharan Trade

By Allan G.B. Fisher, Humphrey J. Fisher

The Aborigines' Protection Society: Humanitarian Imperialism in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Canada, South Africa, and the Congo, 1836-1909

By James Heartfield

Recurring Great Lakes Crisis: Identity Violence and Power

By Jean-Pierre Chretien, Richard Banegas

Recurring Great Lakes Crisis: Identity Violence and Power

By Jean-Pierre Chretien, Richard Banegas

Scriptural Politics: The Bible and Koran as Political Models in Africa and the Middle East

By Niels Kastfelt

Spies in the Congo: The Race for the Ore That Built the Atomic Bomb

By Susan Williams

The Indian Ocean: Oceanic Connections and the Creation of New Societies

By Abdul Sheriff, Enseng Ho

The Empire's New Clothes: The Myth of the Commonwealth

By Philip Murphy

Voices of Jordan

By Rana F. Sweis

China or Japan: Who Will Lead Asia?

By Claude Meyer

Kosova Express: A Journey in Wartime

By James Pettifer

Inside the Islamic Republic: Social Change in Post-Khomeini Iran

By Mahmood Monshipouri

Bullets and Bulletins: Media and Politics in the Wake of the Arab Uprisings

By Suzi Mirgani, Mohamed Zayani

The Taliban Reader: War, Islam and Politics

By Alex Strick van Linschoten, Felix Kuehn

Interlopers of Empire: The Lebanese Diaspora in Colonial French West Africa

By Andrew Arsan

Saudi Arabia: A Kingdom in Peril

By Paul Aarts, Carolien Roelants

Fragile Politics: Weak States in the Greater Middle East

By Mehran Kamrava

Business Politics in the Middle East

By Steffen Hertog, Giacomo Luciani, Marc Valeri

From Nothing to Nothing: Chinese Communist Movement and Hong Kong, 1921-36

By Kit-Ching, Chan Lau

Terrains of Exchange: Religious Economies of Global Islam

By Nile Green

The Afrikaners, The: Biography of a People

By Hermann Giliomee

Losing Arab Hearts and Minds: The Coalition, Al Jazeera and Muslim Public Opinion

By Steve Tatham

Year of the Sword: The Assyrian Christian Genocide -- A History

By Joseph Yacoub, James Ferguson

Strange and Difficult Times: Notes on a Global Pandemic

By Nanjala Nyabola