books by publisher
CABI Publishing
Agriculture in Britain: Changing Pressures and Policies
Viruses of Plants
Biotechnology of Ornamental Plants
Ecological History of European Forests
Quarantine Pests for Europe
Private Forestry Policy in Western Europe
Imi: Retrospect and Prospect
Spanish-English Horticultural Dictionary
Health Benefits of Organic Food: Effects of the Environment
Veterinary Treatment for Working Equines
Tropical Grassy Weeds
Onions and other Vegetable Alliums
Onions and other Vegetable Alliums
Application Technology for Crop Protection
Cassava: Biology, Production and Utilization
Mycologist's Handbook
Russian-English Dictionary of Helminthology and Plant Nematology
Dictionary of the Fungi
Quarantine Pests for Europe
Ainsworth and Bisby's Dictionary of the Fungi
Measuring Trees and Forests
Principles of Diagnostic Techniques in Plant Pathology
Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Control: A Global Perspective
Gene-for-Gene Relationship in Plant-Parasite Interactions
Genetic and Environmental Manipulation of Horticultural Crops
Nutrients for Sugar Beet Production: Soil-Plant Relationships
Plant Breeding in the 1990s
Decision Tools for Pest Management