books by publisher
Candlewick Press,U.S.

A Froggy Fable

Maisy's Animals Los Animales de Maisy: A Maisy Dual Language Book
Zephyr Takes Flight

Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons

Tom Gates That's Me! (Books One, Two, Three)

Mercy Watson to the Rescue

Almost Astronauts: 13 Women Who Dared to Dream

Andy Shane and the Barn Sale Mystery

Remembering Mrs. Rossi

Who Built the Pyramid?

Princess, Princess

Felicity Floo Visits The Zoo

Foo, the Flying Frog of Washtub Pond

Bramble and Maggie: Give and Take: Candlewick Sparks

Mercy Watson Fights Crime

Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride

First Crossing: Stories About Teen Immigrants

The Waiting Place: When Home Is Lost and a New One Not Yet Found

Oh No, George!