books by publisher
Canterbury Press

Healed, Restored, Forgiven: Liturgies, Prayers and Readings for the Ministry of Healing

The English Saints: East Anglia

From DNA to Dean: Reflections and Explorations of a Priest-scientist

Archbishop Fisher: His Life and Times

Healing - More or Less: Reflections and Prayers at the End of an Age: More or Less - Reflections and Prayers on the Meaning and Ministry of Healing at the End of an Age

The Dwelling of the Light: Praying with Icons of Christ

The Conclave: A Secret and Sometimes Occasionally Bloody History of Papal Elections

Pleasure, Pain & Passion: Some Perspectives on Sexuality and Spirituality

In Search of the Lost: The Death and Life of Seven Peacemakers of the Melanesian Brotherhood: The Modern Martyrs of Melanesia

Homely Love: Prayers and Reflections Using the Words of Julian of Norwich

When Words Fail: God and the World of Beauty

One Equall Light: An Anthology of the Writings of John Donne: An Anthology of Writings by John Donne

Glory: The Spiritual Theology of Michael Ramsey

Finding Hope Again: Journeys Through Sorrow and Beyond (Journeying Beyond Sorrow)

The Meaning in the Miracles: The Archbishop of Wales' Lent Book

Ponder These Things: Praying With Icons of the Virgin

A School of Love: The Cistercian Way to Holiness (Rhythm of Life)

Percy Dearmer: A Parson's Pilgrimage (Authorised Biography)