books by publisher
Cassell Reference

In Praise of Famous Horses: An A-Z of the Most Celebrated in History and Culture, Myth and Sport

The Mistakes You Make at Bridge

Master Play at Trick: No. 1

All Hands On Deck!

Bloody April: Slaughter in the Skies over Arras, 1917

History of the English Speaking Peoples: Volume 2: The New World

History of the English Speaking Peoples: Volume 4: The Great Democracies

Cassell Companion to Quotations

The Cassell Dictionary of Slang

A Traveller's History of North Africa

When to Bid, When to Pass
The Big Book of Being Rude

Winged Stallion

A Traveller's History of France

Famous Bridge Disasters

Introducing the Dots: Reading and Writing Music for Rock Musicians

Historic Wimbledon: From Caesar's Camp to Centre Court

The Big Book of Bodily Functions

Northern Cyprus (Windrush island guides)

A Traveller's History of Spain (The traveller's histories)

Learning Not to be First: Life of Christina Rossetti

National Anthems of the World (9th Edition)

Talking Dirty: 5000 Slang Phrases

Cassell's Chronology of World History

Malta, Gozo and Comino

The War Walk: A Journey Along the Western Front

A Traveller's History of France (The traveller's histories)

Cambridge Apostles: A History of Cambridge University's Elite Intellectual Secret Society

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