books by publisher
Chancellor Press

Children's Parties and Novelty Cakes

Rice Dishes

Savoury Flan Fillings: 60 Easy Recipes for Making Good Food Fast (Toppings & Fillings Series)

Steam Railways of the World

Mystery, Intrigue and Suspense (World's Greatest)

Collins Encyclopedia of Music

Great Tales of the Supernatural

A Christmas Carol


The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit (Illustrated Dickens)

Kidnapped (Oxford World's Classics series )

Tale of Two Cities (Oxford World's Classics series )

Kodak Creative Photography

A La Carte and 15 Other Stories by Famous Authors
Encyclopedia of Music

Great Tales of Fantasy and Science Fiction

Crooks, Crime and Corruption (World's Greatest)

Undiscovered: The Fascinating World of Undiscovered Places, Graves, Wrecks and Treasure

Birdwatchers' Year

The Oxford Junior Companion to Music

The Oxford junior companion to music

Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes

Practical Gardening: Roses

The Savoy cocktail book

The Gurkhas

Complete Guide to Horse Breeds

The Tudors and Stuarts

Stone Cold & Stud Poker

100 Mexican Dishes