books by publisher
Charlesbridge Publishing,U.S.

First Day Jitters

Global Babies: 1

Jaha and Jamil Went Down the Hill: An African Mother Goose

What Will You Be, Sara Mee?

We are a Rainbow

Sir Cumference and the Dragon of Pi: A Math Adventure

Amelia to Zora: Twenty-six Women Who Changed the World

The Icky Bug Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books)

Baby Loves Coding! (Baby Loves Science): 6

The Ocean Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books)

Hats Off to Hair

Tooth Tales from Around the World

Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey around the World

Not So Tall for Six

Welcoming Elijah: A Passover Tale with a Tail

Ralph Masiello's Dragon Drawing Book

After Gandhi

The Beetle Alphabet Book

Sir Cumference and the Viking's Map

Children from Australia to Zimbabwe: A Photographic Journey around the World

The Penguin

Sir Cumference and the Sword in the Cone

Amelia to Zora: Twenty-Six Women Who Changed the World

Ralph Masiello's Robot Drawing Book

A Mother's Journey

I'm a Little Teapot (Iza Trapani's Extended Nursery Rhymes)

Sweet Magnolia

Yucky Reptile Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books)

The Furry Animal Alphabet Book (Jerry Pallotta's Alphabet Books)