books by publisher
Chatto & Windus

New Selected Stories

Church in Transition: Reform in the Church of England (Reform S.)

A Guide to Proust Remembrance of things past


Getting it Right: Survival Guide to Modern Manners

Faust as Musician: Study of Thomas Mann's Novel "Doctor Faustus"

How To Be A Domestic Goddess Baking and the Art of Comfort Cooking

Iron Curtain: A Love Story

A High Wind in Jamaica

Bold Ventures: Thirteen Tales of Architectural Tragedy

Amy and Lan: The Enchanting New Novel by the No. 1 Bestselling Author of The Outcast

Battles of Conscience: British Pacifists and the Second World War

The Farewell Symphony

Finger Lickin' Good: A Kentucky Childhood

The Position

A Whistling Woman

Acastos: Two Platonic Dialogues
Virginibus Puerisque and Other Papers

Poem For The Day Two

Mortal Coils (The collected works of Aldous Huxley)

Murder on Ward Four: Story of Bev Allit and the Biggest Criminal Trial Since the Moors Murders

One Day as a Tiger

Travel Writing

Looking at Giacometti

The Romantic Survival: Study in Poetic Evolution
Dagger Lane

About Modern Art: Critical Essays, 1948-96

Wild Flowers of the Pyrenees
English literature in our time and the university