books by publisher
Chelsea House Publishers

Sikhism (World Religions)

Masterworks of Children's Literature: Early Years, 1550-1739 v. 1

Getting Help: Treatments for Drug Abuse (Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs S.)

Let's Visit Mozambique (Places and Peoples of the World Series)

Stephane Mallarme (Modern Critical Views S.)

Scott Joplin: Composer (Black Americans of Achievement S.)
Karen Horney: Psychoanalyst (American Women of Achievement S.)

Baha'i Faith (World Religions)

Buddhism (World Religions)

Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity (World Religions)

Confucianism (World Religions)

Judaism (World Religions)

Native American Religions (World Religions)

Protestantism (World Religions) (World Religions (Facts on File))

Shinto (World Religions)

Martin Luther King: Civil Rights Leader (Junior Black Americans of Achievement S.)

Daoism (World Religions)

Zoroastrianism (World Religions)

Managing Responsibilities (Character Education)

The New World: Prehistory to 1542 (Discovering U.S. History)

Colonial America: 1543-1763 (Discovering U.S. History)

Revolutionary America: 1764-1789 (Discovering U.S. History)

The New South and the Old West: 1866-1890 (Discovering U.S. History)

World War I and the Roaring Twenties: 1914-1928 (Discovering U.S. History)

World War II: 1939-1945 (Discovering U.S. History)

Modern America: 1964-present (Discovering U.S. History)

Planets and Stars (Concise Collection S.)

The California Gold Rush: Transforming the American West (Milestones in American History)