books by publisher
Children's Press(CT)

Manatees (True Books: Animals (Paperback))

You Wouldn'T Want to be Sir Francis Drake


You Wouldn't Want to Be a Medieval Knight: Armor You'd Rather Not Wear

Elizabeth Blackwell: First Woman Physician

The Declaration of Independence

Roman Amphitheaters


Hwys...Amer. West

Native Americans

I Can Read (My First Reader (Paperback))

The Nile River (Rookie Read-About Geography (Paperback))

What Is Density? (Rookie Read-About Science (Paperback))

Icebergs, Ice Caps, and Glaciers (Rookie Read-About Science (Paperback))

North America (New True Books: Geography)

Map Keys (Rookie Read-About Geography)

Living in the Arctic (Rookie Read-About Geography (Paperback))

Looking at Maps and Globes (Rookie Read-About Geography)