books by publisher
Christian Focus Publications Ltd

What would Jesus say about your Church ?

The Envy of Eve: Finding Contentment in a Covetous World

Effective Christian Living

A Better Way: Jesus and Old Testament Fulfilment

Talks to the Children

Gold From Dark Mines: The journey to conversion of six famous Christians

Introducing Ephesians

John Calvin: His Life And Influence

2 Samuel Out of Every Adversity

Martin Luther: The Man who Started the Reformation

Bruised But Not Broken

Isaiah by the Day: A New Devotional Translation

The Cross in the Experience of Our Lord

The Truth & Nothing But the Truth: Upholding the Gospel in a Doubting Age

To Carol-with Love

The Bedside Book: Daily Readings and Prayers for Testing Times

Anchored in the Storm
The Systematic Theology of John Brown Of Haddington

The Glory of Heaven


Understanding Theology - III

Living Successfully in a Dangerous World

Finding God in the Darkness

The Pleasures of God

Spirit of Promise

Praying the Saviour's Way: Praying the Lord's Prayer

Caught in the Crossfire

Gaukroger Omnibus: Hunger for Holiness, Growing your Gifts, Thirsty for God

The Pilgrim Psalms: A Sacred Journey to Revitalise your Life