books by publisher
Church House Publishing

Step This Way: Bk. 2: A Course for 5-7's in the Church

Religious Education: A Christian View

School Worship

Primary School Worship

Opening Their Eyes: Worship and RE with Children with Special Needs

Be a Church Detective: Young Person's Guide to Old Churches

Reflections for Advent 2016: 28 November - 24 December 2016

Acting Up

Anglican Social Theology: Renewing the vision today

Hope for the Church: Contemporary Strategies for Growth (Explorations)

Children's Spirituality: What it is and Why it Matters (Sure Foundations)

Pocket Prayers for Healing (Pocket Prayers Series)

What am I Doing Here?: A Beginner's Guide to Church

Special Children, Special Needs: Intergrating Children with Disabilities and Special Needs into Your Church (Sure Foundations)

Reflections for Daily Prayer: Advent 2014 to Christ the King 2015

Travelling Well: A Companion Guide to the Christian Life: A Companion Guide to the Christian Faith: 9

Moving On in Ministry: Discernment for times of transition and change (Explorations (Church House))

Learning for Ministry: Making the Most of Study and Training

Curtain Up

Words for Easter

Worship: Making Primary School Collective Worship Come Alive

Do Nothing... Christmas is Coming: An Advent Calendar with a Difference

Developing Healthy Churches: Returning to the Heart of Mission and Ministry

100 Ways to Get Your Church Noticed: Updated and expanded edition

Pocket Prayers for Advent and Christmas (Pocket Prayers Series)

Reflections for Lent 2012

How the Church of England Works

Pilgrim Journeys: The Creeds single copy: 40 days of reflections

Youth Emmaus (Emmaus: The Way of Faith)