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Churchill Livingstone

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Common Foundation Studies in Nursing

By Neil Kenworthy MBA BEd RGN RMN, Gillian Snowley, Cynthia Gilling, Kenworthy MBA BEd RGN RMN, Neil, Snowley, Gillian, Gilling, Cynthia

Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine

By Christopher Haslett, Edwin R. Chilvers, Nicholas A. Boon, Nicki Colledge, John A. Hunter

Practical Fracture Treatment

By McRae FRCS(Eng Glas) FChS(Hon) AIMBI Fellow of the British Orthopaedic Association, Ronald, Esser FRCS(Ed) FRCS(Ed)(Orth) FRACS(Orth) Professor, Max

Short Cases for the MRCPCH

By Angela Thomson, Hamish Wallace, Terence Stephenson

Clinical Paediatrics for Postgraduate Examinations, 3e (MRCPCH Study Guides)

By Terence Stephenson, Hamish Wallace, Angela Thomson

Churchill's Pocketbook of Surgery (Churchill Pocketbooks)

By Raftery BSc MD FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Ed), Andrew T.

Clinical Cases and OSCEs in Surgery (MRCS Study Guides)

By Ramachandran, Manoj, Poole, Adam, manoj-ramachandran-adam-poole, Manoj Ramachandran, Adam Poole

Surface Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Examination

By Lumley MS FRCS DMCC FMAA(Hon) FGA Professor, John S. P.

Pharmacology Condensed

By Dale MB BCh PhD, Maureen M., Haylett BSc PhD, Dennis G.

Mind Maps in Pathology, 1e

By Dervan, Peter

Master Medicine: Medical Pharmacology: A clinical core text for integrated curricula with self assessment

By Winstanley MD FRCP DTM&H, Peter, Walley MD FRCP FRCPI Professor, Tom

Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated

By Kenneth W. Lindsay PhD FRCS, Ian Bone FRCP FACP Professor

Neuromusculoskeletal Examination and Assessment: A Handbook for Therapists (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Petty DPT MSc GradDipPhys FMACP FHEA, Nicola J., Moore PhD GraddipPhys FCSP DipTP Cert Ed MMACP, Ann P.

Human Movement: An Introductory Text (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Trew BA MSc DipTP MCSP, Marion, Everett M.Ed. BA PG Dip Biomechanics grad Dip Phys Cert HE, Tony

Developing New Clinical Roles - A Guide for Health Professionals

By Humphris, Debra, Masterson, Abigail

Principles of Radiological Physics

By Donald Graham MEd TDCR, Paul Cloke MSc TDCR

Using Maths in Health Sciences, 1e: In the Context of Clinical Governance

By Chris Gunn MA TDCR

Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems: Adults and Paediatrics (Physiotherapy Essentials)

By Pryor PhD MBA MSc FNZSP MCSP Dr., Jennifer A., Prasad MD FACEP, N. Heramba

Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogensis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control

By Greenwood BSc PhD DSc FRCPath Professor, David, Slack MA MB BChir FFPHM MRCPath DRCOG Dr., Richard C. B., Peutherer BSc MB ChB MD FRCPath FRCPE, John F.

Medical Microbiology: A Guide to Microbial Infections: Pathogenesis, Immunity, Laboratory Diagnosis and Control

By Greenwood, David, Slack, Richard, Peutherer, John

Positional Release Techniques

By Chaitow ND DO, Leon

Haematology: An Illustrated Colour Text

By Howard MBChB MD FRCP FRCPath, Martin R., Hamilton MA BA BCh FRCP FRCPath, Peter J

Extended-Matching Questions for Finals

By Alcolado DM BM(Hons) PGCMedEd FRCP, John C, Mir DCH FRCP, M. Afzal, John C Alcolado DM BM(Hons) PGCMedEd FRCP, M. Afzal Mir DCH FRCP

Clinical History Taking and Examination: An Illustrated Colour Text

By Welsby Dr., Philip D

Master Medicine: Surgery 2: A core text with self-assessment covering orthopaedics, ear, nose andthroat surgery and ophthalmology: v. 2


Master Medicine: Surgery 1: Self-assessed core text covering urology, general, cardiothoracic, vascular , plastic and neurosurgery: Self-assessed ... Vascular, Plastic and Neurosurgery v. 1

By Lavelle-Jones MBChB FRCS(England) FRCS(Edinburgh) MD, Michael, Michael Lavelle-Jones MBChB FRCS(England) FRCS(Edinburgh) MD

Master Medicine: Medicine: A core text with self-assessment

By O'Neill BSc(Hons) MB ChB FRCP MD Professor, Paul A., Dornan PhD DM FRCP MHPE Professor, Tim, Denning FRCP FRCPath DCH Professor, David W., Paul A. O'Neill BSc(Hons) MB ChB FRCP MD Professor, Tim Dornan PhD DM FRCP MHPE Professor, David W. Denning FRCP FRCPath DCH Professor

Pathology (Master Medicine)

By Bass BSc MD FRCPath Dr., Paul, Carr MB BS FRCPath FRCPA, Norman

Microbiology and Infection: A Clinically-orientated Core Text with Self Assessment: A Clinically Orientated Core Text with Self-Assessment

By Timothy J. J. Inglis BM DM PhD FRCPath FRCPA DTM&H Dr., Timothy J.J. Inglis


By McGeown BSc MB BChB AO PhD, J. Graham