books by publisher
Construction Industry Research & Information Association (CIRIA)
Coastal and estuarine managed realignment - design issues (C628)
Wind Engineering in the Eighties: Conference Proceedings
Potential Use of Alternatives to Aggregates in Coastal and River Engineering
Value Management in Construction: A Client's Guide
Whole-Life Infrastructure Asset Management Across Industries
Control of Risk: A Guide to the Systematic Management of Risk from Construction
EC7 - Implications for UK Practice: Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design
Management of Accelerated Low Water Corrosion in Steel Maritime Structures
Setting out Procedurs for the Modern Built Environment
Beach recharge materials - demand and resources (R154)
Energy Efficient Housing: A Guide to the Design and Construction of Low Rise Single Housing for Energy Efficiency (CIRIA report)
CDM2007 - Construction Work Sector Guidance for Designers: Taking Account of CDM2007 and its ACoP L144 (2007)
Coastal and Marine Environmental Site Guide
Settlement of Structures on Clay Soil: 38 (PSA civil engineering technical guide)
Engineering in Glacial Tills
Grouting for Ground Engineering
Design of Retaining Walls Embedded in Stiff Clays (CIRIA Report)
Control of Groundwater for Temporary Works (CIRIA Report)