books by publisher
Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Edith Wharton and the Art of Fiction
1 available
Diaries: A Selection

Diaries, 1847-1910

Mind of Christ: Mowbray Lent Book 2007
General Certificate of Secondary Education Mathematics: Practice Bk. 1: Teachers'

General Certificate of Secondary Education Mathematics: Practice Bk. 2: Teachers'

Prayers for People Under Pressure

"Priests and Prelates": the Daily Telegraph Clerical Obituaries

Every Minute Counts

Trevor Huddleston: Turbulent priest

Celebrating Common Prayer

Teaching Thinking: Philosophical Enquiry in the Classroom

Wars in the Third World Since 1945

Art Education 11-18: Meaning, Purpose and Direction

George Green, Mathematician and Physicist, 1793-1841: The Background to His Life and Work

Reflective Teaching in Secondary Education

The Mystery of Christ: The Liturgy as Spiritual Experience

Prayer: A Guide for the Perplexed

Contemporary Fiction and Christianity

100+ Ideas for Teaching Mathematics


The New Poetic: Yeats to Eliot


A Change in the Weather

Catholic Theology

The Reality of God and the Problem of Evil

100 Ideas for Teaching Writing

Being Deaf: Experience of Deafness