books by publisher

What Binds Marriage: Roman Catholic Theology in Practice

Philosophy for Life: Applying Philosophy in Politics and Culture

Morality and Citizenship in Education (Cassell Education)

The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Cassell Education)

Approaches to the Study of Religion

The Book of Common Prayer: Past, Present and Future: A 350th Anniversary Celebration

Education, Policy and Social Justice: Learning and Skills (Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning)

Continuing Your Professional Development in Lifelong Learning

Key Debates in Education

Readings in Post-compulsory Education: Research in the Learning and Skills Sector

Action Research (Continuum Research Methods) (Continuum Research Methods Series)

J.A. Froude's The Reign of Mary Tudor: Continuum Histories

Education Policy Unravelled

The Politics of Professionalism: Teachers and the Curriculum

To Our Bodies Turn We Then: Body as Word and Sacrament in the Works of John Donne

The Contemporary British Novel: Second Edition

William Blake's Poetry: A Reader's Guide

Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints

Roger Scruton: The Philosopher on Dover Beach

A Political Philosophy: Arguments for Conservatism


How to Manage Stress in Fe: Applying Research, Theory And Skills To Post-Compulsory Education And Training (Essential FE Toolkit)

Guide to Race Equality in Fe (Essential FE Toolkit)

Guide to Financial Management in FE

A Survival Guide for College Managers and Leaders (Essential FE Toolkit)

FE Lecturer's Survival Guide (Essential FE Toolkit)

A to Z of Teaching in FE (Essential FE Toolkit)