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Cornell University Press

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The Creation of the Future: The Role of the American University

By Frank H. T. Rhodes

Lethal Speech: Daribi Myth as Symbolic Obviation (Symbol, Myth and Ritual)

By Wagner, Roy

Visual Narratives Pb

By Brilliant R

Surface and Depth: Dialectics of Criticism and Culture

By Shusterman, Richard

Cameroon Federal Republic (Africa in Modern World S.)

By Levine, Victor T.

Stranded Objects: Mourning, Memory, and Film in Postwar Germany

By Santner, Eric L.

After Oedipus: Shakespeare in Psychoanalysis

By Lupton, Julia Reinhard, Reinhard, Kenneth

The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry

By Bloom, Harold

Opera: The Extravagant Art

By Lindenberger, Herbert

Objects of Desire: The Madonnas of Modernism

By Schlossman, Beryl

Postwar Soviet Politics: Fall of Zhdanov and the Defeat of Moderation, 1946-53

By Hahn, Werner G.

Humanitarianism in Question: Politics, Power, Ethics (Cornell Paperbacks)

By Michael Barnett, Thomas G. Weiss

Poor Numbers: How We Are Misled by African Development Statistics and What to Do about It (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

By Jerven, Morten

Liberia: The Evolution of Privilege (Africa in Modern World S.)

By Liebenow, J.Gus

Places of Performance: The Semiotics of Theatre Architecture

By Marvin Carlson

Heidegger's Roots: Nietzsche, National Socialism, and the Greeks

By Charles Bambach

Literature and Its Theorists: A Personal View of Twentieth-Century Criticism

By Todorov, Tzvetan

Reclaiming Capital: Democratic Initiatives and Community Development

By Gunn, Christopher Eaton, Hazel Dayton

Economic Growth and Structural Change in Taiwan: Postwar Experience of the Republic of China

By Galenson, Walter

The Economics of Agricultural Development

By Mellor, John W.

Diversity, Farmer Knowledge and Sustainability (Food Systems & Agrarian Change)

By Moock, Joyce Lewinger, Rhoades, Robert E.

Telling it Again and Again: Repetition in Literature and Film

By Kawin, Bruce F.

Signs of Light: French and British Theories of Linguistic Communication, 1648–1789

By Matthew Lauzon

Difference in Translatn Pb

By Graham Jf

The Ethics of Criticism

By Siebers, Tobin

International Regimes (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

By Stephen D. Krasner

The Grammar of Politics: Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy

By Heyes, Cressida

Rules for the World: International Organizations in Global Politics

By Michael Barnett, Martha Finnemore

Norms and Practices

By James M. Wallace

Activists beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics

By Margaret E. Keck, Kathryn Sikkink