books by publisher
Darton, Longman & Todd
Thomas Merton: the Exquisite Risk of Love: The Chronicle of a Monastic Romance
Brothers of Men Letters to the Petits Freres
The Meaning of Sacred Scripture
Introduction to Spirituality
The Meaning of Sacred Scirpture
Jean Vanier and L'Arche: A Communion of Love
Teresa of Avila: An Extraordinary Life
Listening to Silence: Anthology of Carthusian Writings
Archbishop Justin Welby: Risk-taker and Reconciler
John Sentamu's Hope Stories: 20 True Stories of Lives Transformed by Hope
Lent is for Loving: A Lent Course About Love
Bible today
Jung and the Christian Way
Disability: The Inclusive Church Resource (Inclusive Church Resources)
Permanent, Faithful, Stable: Christian Same-Sex Marriage - New Edition
the Jerusalem Bible
Acquainted with the Night: An Exploration of Spirituality and Depression
Permanent, Faithful, Stable: Christian Same-sex Partnerships (Affirming Catholicism) (Affirming Catholicism S.)
The Jerusalem Bible
The Resurrection of Christ
St. Margaret Mary - Her Autobiography
Theology and the philosophy of science
The Mystery of Everything: A Lent course based around the film The Theory of Everything (Lent Book)
The New Jerusalem Bible: Reader's Edition
Faith in Politics? Rediscovering the Christian Roots of our Political Values
The state of the Church and the Church of the State: Re-imagining the Church of England for our world today
Pippa's Progress: A Pilgrim's Journey to Heaven
Lives of the Improbable Saints