books by publisher
De Gruyter Mouton

Thematic Structure: Its Role in Grammar (Linguistic Models)

Roots: Linguistics in Search of Its Evidential Base (Studies in Generative Grammar): 96 (Studies in Generative Grammar [SGG], 96)

Progress in Language Planning: International Perspectives (Contributions to the Sociology of Language): 31 (Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL], 31)

The French Language and National Identity (1930-1975): 22 (Contributions to the Sociology of Language [CSL], 22)

Prepositional Phrases and Prepositional Verbs: A Study in Grammatical Function: 161 (Janua Linguarum. Series Minor)

Crucial Readings in Functional Grammar (Functional Grammar Series [FGS], 26)

Metaphor and Metonymy in Comparison and Contrast (Mouton Reader): 20

Le Frolinat et les révoltes populaires du Tschad, 1965-1976: 12 (Change and Continuity in Africa)