books by publisher
Dolphin Book Co (Tredwr) Ltd

The Golden Dial: Temporal Configuration in "Don Quijote"

Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in Honour of Robert Brian Tate

The Late Poetry of Pablo Neruda

Galdos' House of Fiction: Papers Given at the Birmingham Galdos Colloquium

Catalan Grammar

Hispanic Linguistic Studies in Honour of F.W.Hodcroft

Salvatge Cor: Savage Heart

Letters and Society in Fifteenth-century Spain: Studies Presented to P.E.Russell on His 80th Birthday

The Discerning Eye: Studies Presented to Robert Pring-mill on His Seventieth Birthday : Studies Presented to Robert Pring-Mill on His Seventieth ... Twentieth-century Spain and South America
Elegies de Bierville: Bierville Elegies

Winds of Exile: Poetry of Jorge Carrera Andrade