books by publisher
Dominican Publications

Funeral Liturgies

Our Merciful God

Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies: Cycle C

New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies: Year B

The Spiritual Adventure of the Apocalypse: What is the Spirit Saying to the Churches?

New Sunday & Holy Day Liturgies, Year B

New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies: Year A

Gracious Word: Year B: Commentary on Sunday and Holy Day Readings

Windows on the Gospel: Stories and Reflections

New Sunday and Holy Day Liturgies Year C

In a Fitful Light: Conversations on Christian Living

Year A (Gracious Word: Commentary on Sunday and Holy Day Readings)

Vatican Council II: The Concilliar and Post-Concilliar Documents [Volume 1]

More Post Concillar Documents: 2 (Vatican Collection, Vol.II)

Light for My Path: New Code of Canon Law for Religious (RLR series)

In His Presence: Book on Liturgy and Prayer

Emmaus: The Gracious Visit of God: The Saving Visit of God According to Luke

Mysteries of Light: the New Rosary as Gospel Prayer

Altogether Gift: A Trinitarian Spirituality

Greening the Christian Millennium

Sing a New Song: The Christian Vocation

Gospel of Matthew: Spiritual Commentary

Abortion, Law and Conscience (Doctrine and life)

Apostolic community is like this -: Ten religious share their own experience of apostolic community

Vatican Council II: More Post Conciliar Documents: 002 (Vatican collection)

Wedding Liturgies