books by publisher
E P Dutton

The Last Runaway

Don't Let Go

The End of Order: Versailles, 1919

The Burglar Who Painted Like Mondrian

Girl With a Pearl Earring

Firebird, America's Premier Performance Car: The Complete History

The American Car Since 1775: The Most Complete Survey of the American Automobile Ever Published

Magical Child Matures

Major European Art Movements, 1900-1945: A Critical Anthology

Dictionnaire Francais Anglais

Dictionnaire Francais-Anglais, Anglais-Francais Des Affaires: A French-English, English-French Dictionary of Business Terms

American Walk Book: An Illustrated Guide to the Country's Major Historical and Natural Walking Trails from New England to the Pacific Coast


Buxton Spice

The Mallen Streak

Visages De LA France

Cancer As a Turning Point: A Handbook for People With Cancer, Their Families, and Health Professionals

Journey Inward

The Hunt Club (Wyatt Hunt)

Dictionnaire Francais Anglais

Larousse English French / French English Dictionary

Dictionnaire Francais Anglais (New)

The Talking Turnip

Masquerade: The Amazing Camouflage Deceptions of World War II (255P)

The Art of Indian Cuisine: Everyday Menus, Feasts, and Holiday Banquets

Deadly Care

Crib Quilts: And Other Small Wonders