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Editions Rodopi B.V.

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Metaphors of Economy: 25 (Critical Studies)

By Bracker, Nicole, Herbrechter, Stefan

Cicero: A Study in the Origins of Republican Philosophy

By Robert T. Radford

Cicero: A Study in the Origins of Republican Philosophy

By Robert T. Radford

Studies in Foundational Philosophy

By Klaus Hartmann

Literatur und politische Aktualitat

By Elrud Ibsch, Ferdinand van Ingen, Anthonya Visser

Redefining the Subject: Sites of Play in Canadian Women's Writing

By Charlotte Sturgess

Sonic Interventions. (Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race): 18

By MIESZKOWSKI, Sylia, Joy SMITH and Marijke de VALCK (Eds.), Sylia Mieskowski, Joy Smith, Marijke de Valck

Reading Joyce's Circe: 3 (European Joyce Studies)

By Gibson, Andrew

Conrad and Theory: 22 (The Conradian)

By Gibson, Andrew, Hampson, Robert

La Production du descriptif: Exogenese et endogenese de l'education sentimentale (Faux Titre)

By Calvez, Eric Le

Joyce's ''Ithaca'': 6 (European Joyce Studies)

By Gibson, Andrew

Patterns and Patterning: A Study of Four Poems by George Herbert: 41 (Costerus New Series)

By Westerweel, Bart

Medicine in the Enlightenment: 29 (Clio Medica)

By Porter, Roy

Linguistic Exploitation of Syntactic Databases: The Use of the Nijmegen Data Base Program (Language & Computers S.)

By Halteren, Hans van, Heuvel, Theo Van Den

Trunkenheit: Kulturen des Rausches: 65 (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik)

By Strässle, Thomas, Zumsteg, Simon

La Question du lieu en poésie: Du surréalisme jusqu’à nos jours: 272 (Faux Titre)

By Dupouy, Christine

Au pays des perroquets: Feerie theatrale et narration chez Flaubert (Faux Titre)

By Olds, Marshall C.