books by publisher
Egon Publishers Ltd
Blip the Blob: Bk. 5: Introductory Level
Literacy for Life: Spellings, Paragraphs and Compound Words: Book 2: Spellings, Paragraphs and Compound Words Year 5, Term 2
maths activities for the national curriculum

The Four Gospels as One: Interweaving of the Gospels According to SS Matthew, Mark, Luke and John

A Practical Guide to Dyslexia: Specific Learning Difficulties

Jack's Moon Rocket: Bk. 3: Reading Made Easy Reader

Jack and the Tree Elf: Bk. 2: Reading Made Easy Reader

Doodle-bugs, Beaches and Bonfires: Book 3 (Emma's War)

Maths Made Easy: A Simple and Structured Approach to Numeracy: Bk. 4

Goodbye Dad: Book 1 (Emma's War)

Year 1: Spelling and Sound Matching, Term 3 (Bk. 3) (Literacy for Life)

Spelling Made Easy: Bk.2: Proof Reading Activities
Worksheets Plus: Year 4 for the National Numeracy Strategy: Bk. 2: Calculations
Learning Can be Fun: Phonological Awareness: Introductory Book
Literacy for Life: Spellings, Paragraphs and Compound Words: Bk. 1: Spellings, Paragraphs and Compound Words Year 5, Term 1
Top the Frog: Sounds Easy: Bk. 2: Level 1
Tum the Bun: Sounds Easy: Bk. 7: Inductory Level

B E D: Sounds Easy: Bk. 4 'e': Level 0 (Pre-Reading)

Ted Gets Wet: Sounds Easy: Bk. 4: Level 1

Tap and Tag: Sounds Easy: Bk. 1: Level 1
Pod and Pot: Bk. 4: Introductory Level

Drip and Drop: Sounds Easy: Bk. 3: Level 1
B O B: Sounds Easy: Bk. 2 'o': Level 0 (Pre-Reading)

R U N: Sounds Easy: Bk. 5 'u': Level 0 (Pre-Reading)
Dan, Pop and Bob: Bk. 3: Introductory Level
Pat the Bat: Bk. 2: Introductory Level
Beds: Bk. 6: Introductory Level
Ug and Al: Book 8: Introductory Level

What to Do When You Can't Add and Subtract