books by publisher
Preventive Medicine
Public Health
Preventive Medicine (Various issues)
An Introduction to Marine Geology
Bacteria (Selected topics in biology)
Human Histology
Survey of Ophthalmology (Various Issues)
Health & Place International Jounral
Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 2-Volume Set
Basic Approaches to Ecology (Selected Topics in Biology)
Human Biology and Hygiene
Anxiety and the Dynamics of Collaboration
Netter's Clinical Anatomy, 2Ed (Pb 2010)
Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set (Cecil Textbook of Medicine)
Rockwood and Matsen's The Shoulder, 5e
Guide to Essential Math: A Review for Physics, Chemistry and Engineering Students (Elsevier Insights)
Noise, Buildings and People: v. 11 (International Series in Heating, Ventilation & Refrigeration)
Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 5e
Total Intravenous Anaesthesia (Monographs in Anaesthesiology S.)
Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints,: with STUDENT CONSULT Online Access
Adventure in Creative Education
From the Middlegame into the Endgame
Aggression and Antisocial Behaviour in Childhood and Adolescence
SJT: Pass the Situational Judgement Test: A Guide for Medical Students, 1e
Virology,: An Illustrated Colour Text
Medical Microbiology,: With STUDENTCONSULT online access
Computational Structures (Composite materials series)
The Physical World: v. 1: S.I.Units
The Physical World: v. 3: S.I.Units