books by publisher
Eurobook Ltd

Kings, Gods and Spirits from African Mythology (World mythology series)

Brer Rabbit

The Flying Squirrel and Other Stories from the Woodlands

Prepare to Cook: Basic Cooking Skills Illustrated Step-by-step

The Greeks and Their Myths: The Classic Stories with Their Origins and Meanings

Spirits, Heroes and Hunters from North American Indian Mythology (World mythology series)

People from the Bible

Warriors, Gods and Spirits from Central and South American Mythology (World mythology series)

Demons, Gods and Holy Men from Indian Myths and Legends (World mythology series)

Gods and Pharaohs from Egyptian Mythology (World mythology series)

Heroes, Gods and Emperors from Roman Mythology (World mythology series)

Fabled Cities, Princes and Jinn from Arab Myths and Legends (World mythology series)

Gods and Heroes from Viking Mythology (World mythology series)

Gods, Men and Monsters from the Greek Myths (World mythology series)

Dragons, Gods and Spirits from Chinese Mythology (World mythology series)
Ancestors: Origins of the People and Countries of Europe

The Care of House Plants

The Care of House Plants