books by publisher

Major Points from the Minor Prophets

George Whitfield Bitesize Biography

Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones Bitesize Biography

Dealing with Dawkins

John Newton Bitesize Biography

What the Bible teaches about the Trinity

The Cloud and the Silver Lining: Ezekiel, the Christian and the Power of God

God's Outlaw

WCS 1 Samuel: Dawn of a Kingdom

Word of Truth

What the Bible Teaches About Guidance

WCS Isaiah: God Delivers

EPSC Micah

That Hideous Strength: How the West Was Lost

War and Grace
Spurgeon's Devotional Bible: Selected Passages from the Word of God with Running Comments

WCS Micah & Nahum: Balancing the Books


King of the Cannibals: Story of J Paton

How to Know God's Will

The Lord's Supper

God's Way

Augustus Toplady Bitesize Biography

Bitesize Theology: An ABC of the Christian Faith

Christ Knocking at the Door of Sinners' Hearts

A System of Bible Doctrine

How Can a God of Love Send People to Hell?