books by publisher

The Garden Party

The General in his Labyrinth (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

The Koran (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Canterbury Tales: Geoffrey Chaucer (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Robinson Crusoe: Daniel Defoe (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Gulliver's Travels: and Alexander Pope's Verses on Gulliver's Travels (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

The Theban Plays: Oedipus the King,Oedipus at Colonus, JACKET LO D2K (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Collected Stories: Raymond Chandler (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Great Expectations: Charles Dickens (Everyman's Library CLASSICS)

Oscar Wilde - Plays, Prose Writings and Poems

The Dain Curse, The Glass Key, and Selected Stories: Dashiell Hammett

A Christmas Carol: Charles Dickens

Browning : Men and Women and Other Poems (Everyman's Library)

The Old Testament: The Authorized or King James Version

The Complete English Poems: John Milton

Russian Poets (Everyman's Library POCKET POETS)

Leonard Cohen Poems: poems and songs (Everyman's Library POCKET POETS)

Fishing Stories: Everyman's Library Pocket Classics

Uncle Dynamite (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Poems And Prose (Everyman's Library POCKET POETS)
Hindu Scriptures

Stories of the Sea (Everyman's Library POCKET CLASSICS)

Right Ho, Jeeves (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Pigs Have Wings (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

Ukridge (Everyman's Library P G WODEHOUSE)

The Republic: Plato

Hindu Scriptures

The Arabian Nights II: v.2 (Everyman's Library Classics S.)

The Handmaid's Tale: Everyman's Library (Borzoi books)