books by publisher
Faber and Faber
Murder at the Cathedral

Malle on Malle

Cubism: A History and an Analysis, 1907-14

Emeric Pressburger: Life and Death of a Screenwriter: The Life and Death of a Screenwriter


Boy Gets Girl

Love and Longing in Bombay
Ted Hughes
The Iron Woman
Verse and worse
The Faber book of modern verse

Selected Prose 1909-1965
Selected Prose of T. S. Eliot

Innocent Blood

An Unsuitable Job for a Woman

The Kaiser's Holocaust: Germany's Forgotten Genocide and the Colonial Roots of Nazism

The Faber Book of Contemporary Canadian Short Stories

World Within World: The Autobiography of Stephen Spender

The Death of Tragedy

Hope and Glory

Edge of the World

The Meaning of Art

The Last Journey of William Huskisson

The White Castle

Invisible: Paul Auster

Tim the Tiny Horse