books by publisher
Fawcett Books

Problems and Other Stories

What Every Woman Needs to Know to Find a Job in Today's Tough Market

The Burning Shore



Nora: A Biography of Nora Joyce

Bluegate Fields

Silence in Hanover Close

Highgate Rise

Anxiety and Panic Attacks - Their Cause and Cure

When the Air Hits Your Brain

The Lost Queen (The Lost Ones)

Things Fall Apart

Break in

The Superbeings: The Superselling Guide to Finding Your Higher Self

Angle of Repose

Its Supposed to Be Yel

Thrill Is Gone, Bernie

NY Ballantine Books Think And Grow Rich

Dances With Wolves


Native Tongue

In the Beginning

The Art of Mathematics

London: The Novel

N is for Noose (Kinsey Millhone Mysteries)

Dennis the Menace: Busybody

Crossing the Border

Space Mail