books by publisher
Financial Times/ Prentice Hall

Employment Law: for Business Students

Renewing Public Management: An Agenda for Local Governance (Managing Local Government)

Organisational Behaviour in Local Government (Managing Local Government)

Introducing Organisational Behaviour (Modular Texts In Business & Economics)

Consumer Behaviour: European Perspective


Organisational Behaviour: Individuals, Groups and Organisation 2nd edition

E-Business and E-Commerce Management

Managing the National Curriculum: Some Critical Perspectives (British Educational Management & Administration Society)

The Management of Educational Policy: Scottish Perspectives

Integrated Marketing Communications + CD

Smith and Keenan's Advanced Business Law 11e

The Business Environment: Challenges and Changes

Management: Concepts and Practices

International Business

Fundamentals of Strategy, 2/e with MyStrategyLab and The Strategy Experience simulation

Corporate Finance 5/e with MyFinanceLab access card

Mathematics for Economics plus MathXL pack

Strategic Human Resource Management: Contemporary Issues

Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning

Technical Analysis: The Complete Resource for Financial Market Technicians

Mastering Financial Calculations: A Step-by-step Guide to the Mathematics of Financial Markets; Market Editions (Financial Times Series)

International Marketing Strategy (5th Edition)

Financial Accounting and Reporting

Marketing: Principles and Practice

Intro Microeconomics


Economics Natural Resources Environment
