books by publisher
Floris Books

Robbie (Kelpies)

The Boy and the Dog who Walked to the Moon

Sun Dances: Prayers and Blessings from the Gaelic

Voyage with Jason

Principles of Biodynamic Spray and Compost Preparations

A Rosslyn Treasury: Stories and Legends from Rosslyn Chapel

How Children Play

Devil You Know

Quest for a Queen: The Jackdaw

Geometry in Nature: Exploring the Morphology of the Natural World through Projective Geometry

Over the Hills and Far Away: Stories of Dwarfs, Fairies, Gnomes and Elves From Around Europe

Field of Form: Research Concerning the Outer World of Living Forms and the Inner World of Geometrical Imagination

An Illustrated Guide to Everyday Eurythmy: Discover Balance and Self-Healing through Movement

The Malifex (Flyways)

Brothers and Sisters: The Order of Birth in the Family: An Expanded Edition: 11 (Karl König Archive)

Bees and Honey, from Flower to Jar

The Hill of the Red Fox (Kelpies)

The Sun Egg (Mini-Edition)

Pelle's New Suit

Flowers of the Seasons

An Illustrated Treasury of Scottish Folk and Fairy Tales (Illustrated Scottish Treasuries)

Peter in Blueberry Land: Mini Edition

Hello Baby Animals, Who Are You? (Hello Animals)

The Holy Night

A Journey Through Time in Verse and Rhyme

The King of Ireland's Son: An Irish Folk Tale

Pippa and Pelle in the Spring Garden

The Trinity

Five Days of the Ghost (Flyways)