books by publisher
Folens Publishers UK

On the edge: Start-up Level Set 1 Book 6 Street Party

Language Works: Beginning Level

Poetry: Bk. 1

GCSE Business Studies: Student Book - AQA
History: Bk. 2: Teacher Book

History: Bk. 2: Pupil Book
Folens Maths Programme: Year 8 Upper Student Book

Maths Programme (S Texts): Year 9 Upper Student Book

Maths Programme (S Texts): Year 9 Lower Student Book

Folens Art: Art of Different Cultures

On the Edge: Level A Set 2 Book 6 Mystery Tour

The Essential Guide to Language

The Essential Guide to Speaking and Listening

Secondary Specials! +CD: Geography - Sustainable Development

Secondary Accessing: History 1066-1485 Student Book (11-14)

Primary History Specials - Invaders and Settlers in Britain

Geography@work1: Student Book (Combined Option)

Secondary Specials!: History- Medieval Britain 1066-1485


Secondary Specials! History Industrial Britain 1750-1900 (11-14)
Real Life Reading

Secondary Specials!: English - Reading for Meaning

PSHE Activity Banks: Smoking

PSHE Activity Banks: Drugs

Secondary Specials! +CD: PSHE - Drugs

Secondary Specials!: RE- Ethics and Moral Issues

On the Edge: Level B Set 2 Book 4 Blind Rage
On the Edge: Level A Set 2 Book 5 Mop Idol